Jean Reno

For "Planipa" - a sickeningly sweet low-alcohol drink.
The ads to the left ran in 1995. Jean Reno has been popular in Japan for a while now. He even co-starred with Ryoko Hirosue (a popular actress) in a Japanese feature film.
Salad dressing, canned coffee, undescribably sweet beverages and cars are just some of the products getting a boost from Jean Reno.
Pre-dating Leo Dicapprio's switching from Honda to Suzuki, Jean Reno switched from Honda to Toyota. (above)
Others have adopted different promotions but only Dicapprio and Reno have promoted products in conflict with their previous promotions.
Right:Pocari Sweat is a bizarre "sports drink" with a flavour not unlike Fresca. We don't know what a "Pocari" is and we're not sure why anyone would want to drink its sweat. Left: Run of the mill ad for cigarettes.

For Honda.
Being cool.
"Being Cool" and "For Honda" are stills from TV commercials that predate's possession of the equipment necessary to capture the video clips. "Partying a la Jean" (above) is a crowning achievement in cheese. Jean Reno has probably the widest collection of ads on the site. The honour of the most ads goes to Brad Pitt.
One thing to note about the glasses spot (left) is that Reno is promoting a product with his name on it which is a unique accomplishment among Japanderers.
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